Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our First Sukkah!


This was a LOT of fun! The fabric was left over from my daughter's wedding, son once again, we were blessed to have a lovely sukkah at no cost. No roof. That will have to come later. We worked on this for half the day before moving back to the patio project.


This little guy kept us company for much of the day. Might have been looking for his friend who was wandering around on the other side of the pile of earth.

It's amazing. It felt like two weeks of digging but we actually got it leveled in two days. We spread out about 6 bags of playground sand so the pavers could be nestled down smoothly and fairly level, then we began putting them down as neatly as possible.


And we called it quits for the evening, leaving to spend time in our sukkah, reading from the old testament, reading some books, relaxing, and having a snack as the sun went down. Proving once again, that life is good!



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