Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Busy Christmas Season, and a Thank You!


We've just been running like crazy. Not much time to post anything. Lots of work, lots of activities.

Bad news, I think I have another cracked tooth.

Wistful news - I'm dying here. I have wanted a Dexter pair for AGES! I found all sorts of them for wonderful deals here. Sadly, morosely, dejectedly, horrendously - they are in Canada!

But what really matters is this:

I have to tell you, going from a couple of months of bad financial news; months filled with unexpected bills, land taxes coming due, a call saying no support will be given, car repairs, etc., the Lord has blessed us. We have had so much kindness shown to us and generosity from Heavenly family, both far and near, we are fantastically grateful, humbled, and awed by your love.

I was able to get Michael something he really needed, a replacement MP3 player for Christmas. He's already in possession of it, we shopped together and found an amazing deal, at about half price and free shipping. I think it must be a Christmas special. But he is as happy as a clam, and I could not help but shed tears at watching him receive such a gift from the Lord. In our work, we use them to listen to messages and worship music to encourage us. Others have given him lovely gifts as well.

More than anything, the gift that is the greatest is seeing just how the Lord cares for us, even when we have no idea how it could be possible to make it. And how others want to be used by Him, and offer their love and friendship.

Thank you so much! Some of you call, some of you write, some of you chat, some of you send surprises. All of you touch our hearts so deeply, there is no way you could possibly know how much your friendship and love mean.

Yeshua Meshiach was not born in December. He was born most likely in September. But because of various historical events, we followers of Christ have taken up the habit of celebrating the joyous occasion of His birth here in human form at the end of December. We rejoice, we sing, we give gifts to one another.

But the most wonderful thing about this world-wide celebration is the fact that so many people choose to set aside things that usually distract us, and instead focus on reaching out to others and loving them in tangible ways; from fun random acts of flash mobs, to giving to perfect strangers.

What a beautiful thing to see! I pray every day that we are blessings to others and that the Lord would show us how to serve others in whatever way we can. I know I fail much more than I am successful, but I am grateful to be growing. What an amazing thing it will be when the whole earth is a reflection of Christ's love for us, when He returns.

As I read of your own adventures, your own trials, your own walks, and share your loves and passions, I am blessed beyond all measure. I learn from you. I am humbled and grateful for all the blessings we have from the Lord; how He brings us through our trials and heals our pain. All our promise of the future, all our hope is in Him.

Merry Christmas to all of you. May you all be blessed. But even more, may we bless He who loves us, who is our Savior and Provider. May we all learn to love Him as He deserves and learn to serve Him and minister to Him in whatever way He shows us.

Much love to you all,

