Sunday, October 12, 2008

WAR ! ...but a Civil one.



A beautiful Autumn season marks the beginning of this blog. I love using the word Autumn. It holds the beauty of the season so much more appropriately in it's lovely vowels and consonants than does the word "fall".

I am excited about all that the season brings!

Last night we camped in the brisk air with our scout troop at a civil war reenactment. It was a terrific time with friends for my son, Michael, and I. He's 12 years old and I home school him as I did my other three children who are now adults. This is a mostly home schooled scout troop and it's a lot of fun!

We did the typical camp out things; campfires, singing, tent pitching. One of the actors came by our camp quite late and engaged the boys in a simple conversation about the civil war, then invited us all to go on a moonlit walk with him to see all the encampments as they were at bedtime. We all marched silently, well almost, over the hills taking in the campfires dotting the darkness, quiet conversations and spirited period music playing in front of canvas shelters. It was beautiful.


After a great night's sleep we woke early and had pancakes and bacon, coffee and cocoa, and I, being an organization freak, took over the mess hall under our pavilion while the boys went off with the men for a "challenge". Lots of fun conversation and then I brought my friend Sarah home with me to seriously wash up some badly neglected kitchenware and bins before everyone came back for lunch. Sarah had never been to our little farm before so it was nice to show her around.

The reenactment was wonderful. I took lots of pictures, hoping for the elusive giant smoke ring from one of the cannons, but I only saw one true ring and I did not catch it.



I treated myself to a funnel cake, and was slightly nauseated for my impulse buy, but I sure enjoyed it, as all the powdered sugar the wind blew back at me attested.

The sky was an amazing blue with perfect little white puffs floating about here and there. It was about 80 degrees at the peak of the afternoon and we had a delicious cool breeze all day long. Perfect!




Michael was pretty tired, so we ended up coming home and were planning on going back for dinner and the dance but he was so tired that we decided to stay home. We've been awfully busy all week and it was kind of nice to have a quieter evening together.

As I share our adventures I will tell a bit more about myself. But for now.... I'm going to slide between the sheets and listen to the crickets outside as I fall asleep and enjoy that night breeze coming through the windows.

Goodnight all, and may you sleep well and safely, your heart filled with the softness of peace and contentment in whatever your circumstance.


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