My beloved camera!
Thank you, so much, dear blog friend who provided the funds to repair my camera! Such generosity overwhelms me.
I am greatly looking forward to begin blogging more in earnest again. Things are quite busy, and only going to get busier as spring approaches. Spring is probably going to be coming on this year like a whispery little butterfly, battered about by icy chunks of air, but it will come eventually.
In the mean time, here is what a portion of our schedule looks like this month. See all those highlighted circles?
Those are merely the continued rehearsals, classes, and set work for the ballet Michael is in. As you can see, we are doing a lot of running around. But that's another wonderful thing about home schooling; all the really cool learning experiences you get to share together as a family, and with friends.
So, dear friends, thank you for hanging around and cheering me on, despite being without my precious picture box now for three months. It felt like a lifetime.
I'm photographing items to sell on eBay today, what a chore! But a nice way to spend all this indoor time.
Busily working,