Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Church Work Day


Last Saturday quite a few of use met to work on a house of one of our families at church. Cancer may be taking Todd Home if the Lord does not intervene. Meanwhile, he is getting very potent chemo treatments this week and must come home to a sanitized house.

Hard to sanitize an older home in dire need of repairs. So we did a little of everything. Cleaning, building an outdoor area so the dog will no longer be in the house, and repairs to the house itself.

Here are some pictures.

Much more to do, but what a day of mutual blessing for all of us.

The obligatory pizza for mass snacking...

And here are some areas we finished up.

Not having storage was the killer. Oh, and getting the storage about killed me! One of those drawers came down on my face and I spent the rest of the day with swollen eyes, a fat lip, and bleeding gums. Real pretty. Yeah.

Please pray for them.




  1. Faith,
    Bless you and the folk from your church for working to help and support this couple. I'm adding them to our prayer journal this morning.


  2. Kelle,

    Thanks SO much! (((HUGS)))


  3. Faith, Iam praying for your friend Toddd.


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