Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nothing much. April 28, 2010


I don't know what all we did this day, as I apparently took few photos, but here are some random shots.

Action shot of Michael mowing while listening to iPod recordings of Wretched Radio.

We got a new thermometer and rain gauge. I hope this one lasts, they always seem to get broken somehow. But I love that this one came with it's own stake.

Come here, Girls! They are fattening up quickly on the grass. Amazing how fast they can put on weight.





  1. i sympathise with your horses. i could also get pretty fat on just grass! lol

    our grass up here is only just greening up, looks lovely out your way!

  2. Icebear,

    I know what you mean. LOL

    You should be getting some pretty blossoms to view right about now then. I love, love, love this time of year.



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