Friday, June 25, 2010

It took this long.


This is the very first day of this year that we saw honeybees on our land.

It was like welcoming old friends. We were so happy to see them!




  1. Now that i think of it, i'm not sure if i have seen many honeybees around here so far this year. I'd like to think i have, but i can't seem to remember.
    They are usually abundant when my silky dogwood blooms, but i cut that one back so far this spring that it won't bloom 'till next year so there goes my gauge. :o)

  2. I've seen a bunch flying around my mint. :-S They're awfully cute and fuzzy.

  3. We haven't seen them yet. That makes me so sad.

  4. We have had a few honey bees but with all the rain it is hard to tell just exactly what is going on. Have you ever thought about having your own bees........?

  5. Yes bees certainly say 'summer'...we were so late with our's this year due to all the rain. Great shot, Kim

  6. Icebear,

    I hope they increase. I've been seeing some in the garden now as well. This is such great news! Wonder why it took so long for them to show up. Maybe a hive swarmed and landed near us.


  7. Leah,

    Are your honey bees fuzzy with pollen, or are you seeing bumblebees? I like Bumblebees too. They are so.... so... nostalgic, I guess. Kind of a silly thought. :oP


  8. Chai Chai,

    Yes, I used to have a hive and would like to get them again. I have been looking into various alternative hive types and want to try them.


  9. Kim,

    Rain brought yours out late? I hope it's just weather related here. With the honeybee populations in such decline - the US lost 30% this year alone, I believe - I was afraid I'd seen the last of them. My neighbor used to have 8 hives. They all died off. He was a LONG time bee keeper!


  10. SFG,

    You either! I hope they show up at your place soon.



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