Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rosh Ha'Shanah


I rarely get any photos when I host a party. I get too involved in cooking and readying.

This was the first Rosh Ha'Shanah party I'd ever done, much less hosted, so it was all new to me, and to all our guests. Many dishes I'd not only never prepared, but had never even tasted before.

The themes are sweetness - so we had many sweet dishes; fruit - to celebrate bountiful harvest; and joy - in anticipation of the joy of the future.

Here are the only pictures I took, when I finally remembered to pick up my camera...

I love to involve everyone, so some of the ladies created this lovely platter filled with fruits, many of which are unusual to the palate. There were no pomegranates to be found anywhere, but we had gogi, medjool dates, starfruit, kiwi, jicama... quite a few things.

And a quick step back to take a shot of all of us squeezed at my table.

Worn from polishing 1000000 square feet of formica...





  1. Ohhh....looks like it was a lot of fun! See...I wish we were closer! I would so go to your parties and such!

    Have a good night!

  2. SBF,

    And we would have LOVED to have you there!


  3. Did you know Rosh HaShanah is also called "No man knows the day or the hour"? Yup. Kinda gives new meaning to those words spoken by Jesus, doesn't it???

  4. Cyn,

    I'm so tickled that you mentioned it. I love how more and more people are realizing that. LOL We MUST talk.

    Did you see this?


  5. What a lot of fun!

    And as soon as fall kills all your plants you can burn!! Or next spring! Which ever comes first!


  6. Linda,

    Normally that is the case, but these plants are not normal. They appear to be dropping their seeds very readily.

    Also, they are described as liking to come up in burned out areas, making me wonder if they actually survive fire - not surprising to me after trying to burn them...

    I don't know. Weeds ought to be cut and dried.... figuratively as well as literally. LOL



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